Thursday, December 01, 2005

Hurricanes Katrina & Rita – meeting an incredible challenge

Thursday December 1, 2005

The logistically demands are immense. While the efforts being make by FEMA and others could not possibly satisfy the needs of millions of people, the attempt is amazing.

Today I completed reading the guidebook. The more I read, the more I talk to the people who have been here for the last month, the more impressed I become.

First there were the relief efforts. Scanning through the descriptions I was stunned by the number of people and the amount of money spent by a myriad of federal agencies, state agencies and non-profits in a very short period of time to meet the immediate needs of millions. I know there are many unhappy people that have not received the help they would have liked to receive. I am not sure that even if the money were available it would have been physically possible.

Following the hurricanes that hit Florida in 2004 it was realized that there was a need to bring together all of the stakeholders at a community, local, state and federal level and develop a long term plan for recovery that went beyond just repair things to the way they were beyond the storm. Studies show that after a major disaster, it takes 3 to 5 years to rebuild not only the structures, but also the economy and the communities. And it makes no sense not to take advantage of the opportunity to treasure the past and rebuild for the future not rebuild the past with all its warts. While it is not the federal governments role to rebuild the community, they can provide the short-term influx of professionals needed to quickly facilitate coordinated efforts and produce the community based plan needed to quickly start the recovery process. So last summer FEMA established a Long-Term Recovery Program not knowing how quickly they would have to put it in place or the magnitude at which it would have to be implemented.

So, a month ago, they started to a new phase that has never been attempted. In that short time they will go from 0 to over 150 people. Soon that will double, and storefront recovery centers will be leased, set up and staffed in about 20 parishes. Within 90 days each of these will have developed community based 5-year development plans including at least 3 major public meetings. I have managed the creation of a consulting practice and the development of a master plan for seven distinct areas. I have some idea of how long it takes and how complex this is. To try and accomplish this on this scale at this speed is an audacious thing to attempt and it is clear to me that there is the commitment to make this happen.

I hope that tomorrow, my background check will be complete and I will get my assignment so I can begin making my contribution


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