Be careful what you suggest
December 22, 2005
Earlier in the week I suggested that the Parish Team leads send thank you notes with the summary documents to those who attended the workshops and send letters to those who had not attended inviting them to add their thoughts. This morning at about 9:00 am, I received an e-mail saying that the folks back in Baton Rouge think that is a grand idea and would like us to send out the letters today with a request that comments be returned by Friday, January 5.
This would be fine, except I have a plane to catch at 2:30 and the Baton Rouge airport is at least a 2-hour drive away! It is a good thing that I teach courses in how to use Microsoft Office. We have a spreadsheet with all the information we currently have on the government officials in Allen Parish and another spreadsheet with information on those who attended the meeting. I quickly prepare two mail merge letters, one linked to each spreadsheet and generate two documents – one with 13 individualized letters to those who attended the meeting and one with 58 letters to those who did not. I tell the folks in Baton Rouge to e-mail the final version of the Summary Report to Chris as soon as it is completed, leave the letters with him to print and ask him to work with Cliff to address envelopes and get them out.
At 11:00 am I head for the airport. By 1:15 I am returning my car and I even have time to pick up a personal pan Pizza on my way to the gate – the last thing of substance I will eat before I reach home at 11:00 pm by way of Chicago.
Earlier in the week I suggested that the Parish Team leads send thank you notes with the summary documents to those who attended the workshops and send letters to those who had not attended inviting them to add their thoughts. This morning at about 9:00 am, I received an e-mail saying that the folks back in Baton Rouge think that is a grand idea and would like us to send out the letters today with a request that comments be returned by Friday, January 5.
This would be fine, except I have a plane to catch at 2:30 and the Baton Rouge airport is at least a 2-hour drive away! It is a good thing that I teach courses in how to use Microsoft Office. We have a spreadsheet with all the information we currently have on the government officials in Allen Parish and another spreadsheet with information on those who attended the meeting. I quickly prepare two mail merge letters, one linked to each spreadsheet and generate two documents – one with 13 individualized letters to those who attended the meeting and one with 58 letters to those who did not. I tell the folks in Baton Rouge to e-mail the final version of the Summary Report to Chris as soon as it is completed, leave the letters with him to print and ask him to work with Cliff to address envelopes and get them out.
At 11:00 am I head for the airport. By 1:15 I am returning my car and I even have time to pick up a personal pan Pizza on my way to the gate – the last thing of substance I will eat before I reach home at 11:00 pm by way of Chicago.
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