Monday, December 05, 2005

Last Day of Preparation

Monday, December 5, 2005

I have had my shots, had my computer configured and started setting up actions. Tomorrow, the job really begins.

At 8:00 am I will be meeting with someone from the Government Services Administration and a Real Estate agent to look for a storefront to become our parish headquarters. I also have to coordinate with the Police Jury (aka Parish Council) secretary to set up a government stakeholders’ workshop for the 14th. I need to hit the ground running and set up to allow my team as they arrive to also do so. After more conversations today, it is less clear how many people will be on the Parish team – more than the initial 2, less than the original estimate of 14. The exact number will in part depend on what I find, the skills I think I will need and who they have coming in over the next few weeks.

I have met some really interesting people here. I am a people person. I love building interdisciplinary teams. I am at my best when I have smart people to bounce ideas of off – it improves my creativity. As an independent consultant, I spend lots of days alone in my home office, calling people, emailing people, writing reports, etc. I get lonely and begin to pace like a caged animal. Although the waiting to get started of the past week has been difficult, having folks to talk to, have lunch with, etc. has been great. Being the first out in a sparsely populated Parish will be back to being a one man-band for a time. I will be happy when we staff up a bit.

The weather turned cold for here – cold and damp, my least favorite type of weather. When I was at Georgia Tech I would wish for a few degree drop in temperature so it would snow and I would only be cold not wet. Tonight’s forecast is a low of 33°. I hear it is even colder at home and they may get some significant snow. This will be the first difficult week since I left and my thoughts are with my family.

Even though the hours have not been overly long yet, I have not been able to go to sleep early despite the alarm set for 6:00 am. The adrenaline is winding down and it has finally caught up to me. Last night I turned out the light at 9:00 and I am still tired to night.

In the morning I finally begin.


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